Fresh Cream (item)


One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Add some whipped cream to a spicy curry to give it some sweetness.

Game locations

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Game descriptions

One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Add some whipped cream to a spicy curry to give it some sweetness.
Scarlet​/​Violet One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Add some whipped cream to a spicy curry to give it some sweetness.

Other languages

English Fresh Cream
Japanese しんせんクリーム
German Frische Sahne
French Crème Fraîche
Italian Panna da cucina
Spanish Nata Fresca
Korean 신선한크림
Chinese (Simplified) 鲜鲜奶油
Chinese (Traditional) 鮮鮮奶油