Mysterious Shard S (item)


A small shard that emanates an enigmatic power. Inside the shard, you can see a pattern that looks like Ramanas roses.

Game locations

Sorry, we don't have location data just yet.

Game descriptions

B.Diamond​/​S.Pearl A small shard that emanates an enigmatic power. Inside the shard, you can see a pattern that looks like Ramanas roses.
Scarlet​/​Violet A small shard that emanates an enigmatic power. Inside the shard, you can see a pattern that looks like Ramanas roses.

Other languages

English Mysterious Shard S
Japanese なぞのかけらS
German Enigmafragment S
French Éclat Étrange S
Italian Frammento insolito S
Spanish Esquirla Extraña S
Korean 수수께끼의조각S
Chinese (Simplified) 谜之碎片S
Chinese (Traditional) 謎之碎片S