Photo Album (item)


A nice photo album for storing all the photos taken along your adventure.

Game locations

Sorry, we don't have location data just yet.

Game descriptions

HeartGold​/​SoulSilver A nice photo album for storing all the photos taken along your adventure.
Black 2​/​White 2
A nice photo album for storing all the photos taken along your adventure.
A nice photo album for storing all the photos taken along your adventure.
Ultra Sun​/​Ultra Moon
A nice photo album for storing all the photos taken along your adventure.
A nice photo album for storing all the photos taken along your adventure.
Scarlet​/​Violet A nice photo album for storing all the photos taken along your adventure.

Other languages

English Photo Album
Japanese フォトアルバム
German Fotoalbum
French Album Photo
Italian Album
Spanish Álbum
Korean 포토앨범
Chinese (Simplified) 相册
Chinese (Traditional) 相簿