Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Hi Pokemaster,

We all love you and highly appreciate the work you've done for the site. However, we've all noticed that you're struggling to keep the site up-to-date. For years now, things like wrong information have been noticed and unfixed. I believe it would be a lot better for the site if the information were accurate. The site would grain a lot more traction; more new users, more activity, and maybe a bit more revenue for you. However, it's come apparent over the years that the workload of keeping the site up-to-date is too much for one man to handle. So, please let us help you. I propose that you allow the site's pages to edited.

Now, I know there's limits, and I know right now, the site doesn't allow for us to edit the pages. However, I highly believe putting in the work now to make it so that you don't have to put in all the work later all by yourself is well-worth the cost.

An idea I've had for a few years now, if you don't want just anyone to edit pages or still want control... what if you made it so that people can make edits, and that either you or the moderators can approve the changes? Similar to the system we already have with Q2A with new users. We get a page edit notification in the Admin tab, and review any changes before they go public. That way, people can do the work, and then all you/we have to do is look it over, make sure it's accurate, smile and press "approve". Then the site will slowly and surely be up to date!

Personally, I would love to go through the minor site errors page and fix all the errors, and clean up that thread! Please let me do that. It seriously pains me that the site is so out-of-date. Please, please let me edit pages.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you think this would be possible, what it would look like, or not.

Thank you!

I think Fizz once suggested open sourcing the website's data on Github and letting people request changes there. That's probably both easier and more secure than adding page editing features to the site itself.
i'm down for whatever method as long as we can make changes
i agree with sumwun and fizz
I agree with OP, I am training a Shinx right now as part of my team in Diamond and it didn't learn Spark at Level 17 as the website stated. It instead learned the move at Level 18
Unrelated but @itspicklintime that's probably because you evolved it into Luxio.

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