Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I am aware that there is a list of Pokémon English name etymologies, however a Pokémon may have a different inspiration or origin than the origins of their name. For example Lickitung name may be based on the words lick and tongue, but the Pokémon itself is likely inspired by the yokai, Akaname. I know that Bulbapedia has a sub-section under their trivia section of each Pokémon's page that details both the origins of the Pokémon's name and the Pokémon itself, however, I think it would be beneficial to have a database or spreadsheet to display that kind of information. If such a list of Pokémon origins/inspirations does not currently exist, I would like to suggest that a page be made for it, or it be added as an additional column in the currently existing etymologies page.

Bulbapedia updates pretty often, so it would be pretty difficult to maintain something separate from it. It's probably easier to just scrape Bulbapedia yourself using Python or something.

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