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What are the best locations for getting Effort Values in Special Defense?

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7 Answers

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Best answer

R/S/E: Abandoned Ship/Route 113. Surfing or Fishing with the Super Rod Guarantees Tentacool or Tentacruel. If Emerald or Sapphire Route 113 Has Lotad and Lombre in addition to Swablu, for 90% total encounter rate.

Fr/Lg: Cinnabar Island/Route 20/Route 21/12. All of these locations have 100% Tentacool spawns while surfing.

D/P/Pt: Valley Windworks/Route 223. Both have Tentacool/Tentacruel at over 60% encounter rate while surfing.

Hg/Ss: Cherrygrove City/New Bark Town/Cianwood City. All locations have 100% Tentacool/Tentacruel encounters while surfing.

B/W: Driftveil/Route 4/17/18. All areas have 100% Frillish encounters while surfing.

B2/W2: Virbank City. Also has 100% Frillish encounters while surfing.

X/Y: Route 7/Reflection Cave. Both areas have 60% Horde encounters for Hoppip and Mime Jr respectively.

OR/AS: Route 115. 100% Swablu Horde encounters.

S/M/US/UM: Route 7. SoS chain Tentacool for double the evs per mom defeated.

Sw/Sh Circestre Bay. Fishing or surfing has a high chance for Mantykes and Mantines.

S/V: South Province Area 3. Spoink is a fairly common encounter here, it is also the only psychic type on the Route so using a sandwich will increase its Spawn odds drastically.

Hope this helps.

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10 votes

Surfing in most places you encounter Tentacool (1 EV) and Tentacruel (2 EVs) who give off Sp.Def EVs!

Surfing, same as above.

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Nice job answering yourself! ;)
If you surf at Route 223, then you'll encounter Mantyke as well as Tentacruel.
5 votes

Black / White:

Frillish 1 EV (surf)

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1 vote

Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver:

Surf along certain routes and you will find nothing but Tentacool and Tentacruel in the water:

Route 26,
Route 27,
Route 34,
Route 40,
Route 41(plus Mantine in Heartgold only- 2 SpDef EV's)

Also, you can find them in cities or other significant locations by surfing, too:

New Bark Town (off the shore on the right);
Cherrygrove City (off the shore on the left);
Olivine City (off the harbor to the south);
Cianwood City (off the shore farthest north);
Cinnabar Island (around the island);
Pallet Town (off the start of the inlet to the fence)

0 votes

Black/White 2 - Special Defense spots

Surfing on Route 17 - Frillish (1), Jellicent (2) in bubbling spots.

Or possibly Route 14 - Golduck (2), Swablu (1), Altaria (2). Avoid the rest.

Golduck gives 2 Special Attack Effort Values.
0 votes

In Pokemon Black and White I've found that the volcarona room only spawns claydols which give 2 Special Defense EVs.

Scource: Bulbapedia and Experience

0 votes

RSE locations

Walking at Mt. Pyre: Duskull (1 EV) (doesn't work in Sapphire or Emerald)
Surfing or super rod at Abandoned Ship: Tentacool (1 EV), Tentacruel (2 EVs)

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